Givaudan partners with Energy LED for massive savings

Givaudan Introduction Image

Johannesburg, South Africa

Givaudan partners with Energy LED for massive savings

Inefficient lighting in their Tulisa Park, Johannesburg operation was costing Givaudan an estimated R31 million over 10 years.

Givaudan Customer Quote Image
We have seen a great improvement in the quality of lighting in the area, the lux levels, and a reduction in the energy levels.
 Christen Johnson, Project engineer at Givaudan
Givaudan Customer Challenge Image

Customer challenge

Givaudan's Tulisa Park facility in Johannesburg suffered from inefficient lighting, resulting in a staggering estimated cost of R31 million over a decade.

The Energy Efficient Solution

Givaudan teamed up with Energy LED to achieve two goals: significantly reduce energy usage and meet the Occupational Health and Safety Lux standards for FMCG manufacturing. After a thorough assessment, Givaudan made an investment in cutting-edge Philips LED technologies. Energy LED efficiently installed the entire lighting system within two months without causing any disruptions to regular operations.

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